Monday, July 6, 2009

the experience of a life time

this trip just keeps getting better and better...

safari was probably the coolest thing i have even done. i literally slept next to 10 zebrasand earlier in the day an elephant walked right through our campsite. we were in the ngoragora crator, where the lion king takes place. i saw lions, leopards, ostraches, hippos, a ton of birds, etc. it was an absolutely amazing experience.

my students are difficult, to say the least, but it is all part of the learning experience. they are sweet and just want to be loved, and at the end of the day, even if i don't feel like i have taught them anything, giving them the affection and love that they need seems more important.

i miss everyone at home very much but i am definetly not ready to leave this beautiful place. the people i have met here are amazing friends and volunteers. i will miss them very much when we have to say goodbye.


1 comment:

  1. I work with Special Needs students here in the states, so I can relate that even when I feel nothing was learned that day I am fulfilled knowing I loved on them as much as I could.

    be blessed girl!!!
