Thursday, July 9, 2009


hi everyone!

still having the time of my life...

on tuesday i climbed a waterfall and swam in the fall's freshwater swimming pool. the hike up the fall was a challenge, but the other volunteers and i did it together, pushing each other on, and the view at the top was WELL worth the struggle.

this weekend, i am flying to zanzibar island with two other of the volunteers, lindsay and coleen, to do some of the "touristy" Tanzanian things. we have a hotel and plan on snorkeling, visiting stone town and hopefully swimming with the dolphins. the relaxation will be much needed; i'm really looking forward to it.

i cant believe i am leaving in a little over a week. it seems like just yesterday i arrived at the kilimanjaro airport. while i miss home, i am going to be just heartbroken to leave this place. the relationships i have formed with the other volunteers and locals alike will have an everlasting impression on my heart. i will miss them all dearly.

i hope all is well in the states, and wherever else all of my beautiful friends are traveling.

i should post once more before i leave.

salama <3

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