Friday, May 22, 2009

back on the island

I've been back in Bellport for about a week, and today was the first real "summer-feeling" day. Unfortunately, I spent the first half of it in the office in a very sticky New York City, but because of the Memorial Day holiday weekend, my boss allowed me to leave around 1:30 :) I did a little shopping in Harold Square and then caught the 3:07 train home to Ronkonkoma. The day ended with relaxing by the pool at Maria's summer house followed by a bike ride down to the bay to catch the sunset. It was a classic South Bay sky; comforting.

But even more lovely were the e-mails I received from my fellow volunteers from Cross Cultural Solutions, the organization I am traveling to Tanzania with. I tell ya, what would we do with out the internet and facebook? It was great to put faces to names, and talk a little bit about ourselves before our trip. This really made it all a reality. I am very excited and thrilled to physically meet the other volunteers who are as passionate as I am about helping others.

I leave for Rochester Tuesday morning when I will FINALLY get to see Branden after what seems like ages. We are going to the Dave Matthews concert Wednesday night with a bunch of college friends, and then driving down to Long Island where we'll spend the weekend in Bellport. I can't wait to show him around town, take a trip into New York City, and if the weather permits, a typical Ho Hum Beach Day :)

But before all of that, I need to begin cleaning my royal bed chamber, and finish up some reading for my trip. Cheers!


Thursday, May 14, 2009

junior year; something we lived through once

allow me to assume sentiment:

I asked her what had happened to the girls we were a year ago. "Broken hearts," she answered simply, "and no place felt like home. Lauren, the lines may appear fuzzy, but it's all there and it all happened. And one day one of us will catch a clear glimpse of it, but it will just remain a memory. Something we lived through once."

Beginning to move out of The Nunnery today was bittersweet. Living there had represented something I had wanted to forget, but now it represents memories that I will remember forever; Hilarie and Jill and their ability to help me redefine the meaning of sisterhood, the tequila and celine dion karaoke in the living room, getting ready for nights out with Lauren, the time Lesly broke into our house, the obamathon on the front lawn, mine and Branden's first kiss out on the back porch...the rebirthing of past friendships. Junior year began my journey for self-definition, and I have all of the mentioned above to thank for helping me become a truer, better self.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

a funny thing happened on the way jeep.

While I had all intentions of waking up early to study for my American Literature exam this morning, I decided to sleep in late and take my time getting ready for the day. The weather was promising at noon, so I chose a short, floral dress to wear. Since it was already late in the day, I was starving and craving a toasted cinnamon raisin bagel with cream cheese from Breugger's. I drove into town in my Big Red Box, ordered my bagel and large iced coffee from a rather incompetent, slow moving sales person, and walked back out to my jeep. As I was balancing my pastry and coffee, and fiddling in my bag for my keys, a gust of wind so strong that probably knocked out every nest out of every tree in Brockport, lifted my short, floral dress so high that it graced the dimple above my chin. After flalling my hands about in confusion, trying desperatly to bring my dress back down to my knees while keeping my coffee from spilling and my bagel from coming unwrapped, I cursed the invisible wind and started a 360 to see if anyone had noticed. Had anyone seen my butt?! "I knew I should have worn granny underwear with this short of a dress," I thought. But as I approached degree 300, thinking I had lucked out, a little old man, sitting in his cadalac about 100 yards away in the adjecent parking lot, stared blankley in my direction, mouth opened and wide eyed. Mortified, I dug around my bag for my keys, got in my car, and slammed it into reverse. As a I drove by, determined not to look in his direction, I noticed him smile at me out of the corner of my eye. "Perv," I thought and drove away.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

my first blog

While I should be studying for my Literary Theory and Criticism final, I am thrilled to be writing my very first blog! I was inspired by my friend Hilarie, who started writing her blog for a class in Women Studies. I wasn't so sure about the whole thing. I thought maybe it would give me that "naked" feeling. Ya know, like when you wake up after you've just dreamed that you've walked into class without your pants on? I had never publicized my journals before...I wasn't sure if they'd feel naked or not, standing alone in the internet world of blogging. It feels good though; I think it's something to get used to.

I mainly started my blog so I could keep track of my 'travel journaling.' I've traveled internationally quite a bit, but have realized that writing in a journal can be tiresome, and I had often lacked the time to do it. While I find the premise of physically writing in a journal wholesome and fulfilling, reality (and technology) states otherwise.

My future travels include three weeks in Tanzania where I will be teaching English in a village named Moshi. I'm not exactly sure of my specific duties and responsibilities as an English teacher, as I imagine they will be much different than an English teacher in the states, but I am ready for whatever is thrown at me. I look forward to meeting the other volunteers and sharing our experiences together.

Well, I suppose this is the end of my very first blog. Thanks for reading. Any ideas/topics for future blogs? Let me know.
