Tuesday, May 12, 2009

my first blog

While I should be studying for my Literary Theory and Criticism final, I am thrilled to be writing my very first blog! I was inspired by my friend Hilarie, who started writing her blog for a class in Women Studies. I wasn't so sure about the whole thing. I thought maybe it would give me that "naked" feeling. Ya know, like when you wake up after you've just dreamed that you've walked into class without your pants on? I had never publicized my journals before...I wasn't sure if they'd feel naked or not, standing alone in the internet world of blogging. It feels good though; I think it's something to get used to.

I mainly started my blog so I could keep track of my 'travel journaling.' I've traveled internationally quite a bit, but have realized that writing in a journal can be tiresome, and I had often lacked the time to do it. While I find the premise of physically writing in a journal wholesome and fulfilling, reality (and technology) states otherwise.

My future travels include three weeks in Tanzania where I will be teaching English in a village named Moshi. I'm not exactly sure of my specific duties and responsibilities as an English teacher, as I imagine they will be much different than an English teacher in the states, but I am ready for whatever is thrown at me. I look forward to meeting the other volunteers and sharing our experiences together.

Well, I suppose this is the end of my very first blog. Thanks for reading. Any ideas/topics for future blogs? Let me know.


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