Friday, May 22, 2009

back on the island

I've been back in Bellport for about a week, and today was the first real "summer-feeling" day. Unfortunately, I spent the first half of it in the office in a very sticky New York City, but because of the Memorial Day holiday weekend, my boss allowed me to leave around 1:30 :) I did a little shopping in Harold Square and then caught the 3:07 train home to Ronkonkoma. The day ended with relaxing by the pool at Maria's summer house followed by a bike ride down to the bay to catch the sunset. It was a classic South Bay sky; comforting.

But even more lovely were the e-mails I received from my fellow volunteers from Cross Cultural Solutions, the organization I am traveling to Tanzania with. I tell ya, what would we do with out the internet and facebook? It was great to put faces to names, and talk a little bit about ourselves before our trip. This really made it all a reality. I am very excited and thrilled to physically meet the other volunteers who are as passionate as I am about helping others.

I leave for Rochester Tuesday morning when I will FINALLY get to see Branden after what seems like ages. We are going to the Dave Matthews concert Wednesday night with a bunch of college friends, and then driving down to Long Island where we'll spend the weekend in Bellport. I can't wait to show him around town, take a trip into New York City, and if the weather permits, a typical Ho Hum Beach Day :)

But before all of that, I need to begin cleaning my royal bed chamber, and finish up some reading for my trip. Cheers!


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